one focal length). One thing this did for me, was force me to move around and to look at my subject from all different angles. I shoot from below the subject. I shoot from above. I take shots from the front, back and side. I did this with these flowers and found that I liked this view best (this time). In this image, I happen to like that I’m on the same level as the flowers (not shooting from above or below) and like the detail that this view shows in the individual petals. Macro photography allows you to see details that you don’t normally notice when just looking at an object. Normally, I would’ve have just thought of the petals as being white, but here I can see that they look striped. There are a number of different ways to take macro photography photos. These include, but are not limited to, using a dedicated macro lens, using extension tubes and using macro lens filters. I use extension tubes. These are essentially, spacers that attach between the lens and the camera body. Using the tubes allows the magnification of the subject. When looking at my image, you’ll notice the shallow depth of field. The petals in the front of the image, as well as the flower in the background are all blurred. This is common in macro photography. Although, I could’ve chosen to have more of the image in focus by changing my settings or by taking multiple images and combining them in software, I made the decision to take this image with a shallow depth of field. I wanted the focus to be on the dew drops, and I wanted a soft appearance to the photo. I do wish that I had more of a sparkle on the water droplets. Next time, I’ll make sure to focus more on that. Want to Learn More Photography?
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What Is This Page?Since I love photography and teaching, I thought I would start a Blog page and share how I take my images, what I was thinking and about me. Categories
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